About Megan
Short Bio
Megan Walters has a chronic case of nostalgia which began her journey into the world of historical fiction, where it continued in the form of stacks of library books and late night rants about their accuracy. She has two cats and many siblings, and makes her home at the Crossroads of America.
Long Bio
Megan Walters is a home school graduate and learned writing craft and marketing under the tutelage of industry professionals such as Kara Swanson, Joanne Bischof DeWitt and Brett Harris, among others at The Author Conservatory. She is the oldest of more than five children. This has given her a lot of experience with sibling dynamics and she has first hand sources when it comes to writing kids. (Which make some of the best side characters.)
The past fascinates Megan. She loves researching and getting things accurate, this in part due to late night rants about books that did not. She could spend hours at libraries, flea markets, museums, and antique stores, relishing in collections of knowledge, facts, and period printed resources. She hopes to honor the legacy of those who have gone before by inspiring others to look into the past and find truths for the future.